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Modern foreign languages at St Finian's-intent implementation impact

Our aim at St Finian’s is to encourage the children to be confident in trying new things, to understand that mistakes are a necessary part of learning and to keep going when things appear to be a bit tricky.  Learning a new language requires all these skills in abundance! To this end, French at St Finians is taught through a systematic and phonics based learning programme.  By engaging in action games, learning songs and rhymes, listening to stories, repetition and roleplay, the children use all their senses in learning this new skill.  

During the course of Key Stage 2, the children will learn the basic grammatical rules, be encouraged to speak often in French, asking questions and responding to others.  They will understand the differences and similarities between French, English and other languages they may know.    They will learn different verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs and be able to use these in spoken and eventually written language.  They will follow scaffolded sentences and then, having learnt how to use a bi-lingual dictionary, they will be able to create sentences of their own. 

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