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British Values

British Values page

At St. Finian’s Primary School, British Values are expressed through:

-the interactions and relationships modelled everyday
-our learning across the curriculum
-the community projects we engage in as a school community

British Values include: an understanding of the role of democracy; the importance of the rule of law; the respect of individual liberty; the showing of mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

British Value

Role of Democracy

An understanding of how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process

Example of Implementation

  • Pupil Voice- Children’s opinions and ideas are sought in focus groups and through questionnaires. These help to promote pupil choice in special projects and activity decisions, making them feel valued and respected. In Sept 2023, a group of Y6 children visited parliament in London to learn about the role of government; they visited the House of Commons and Lords before making a presentation to Laura Farris (MP for Newbury) about the kind of leaders they'd like to see in this country. 
  • Volunteering and Pupil Leadership: There are many opportunities for leadership and volunteering at school- Bistro Buddy team in the dinner hall, Junior Newbury Building Society cashiers, charity work (e.g. collecting for the soup kitchen or CAFOD), work experience opportunities at Newbury Library.

  • Buddy Responsibility & Play Leading- Older pupils have younger buddies and support their learning and enjoyment of school life through playtimes and reading time. Year 6 children lead play activities during lunch for the younger children.

  • PHSE Programme- ‘Live Life to the Full.’ This catholic PSHE teaching programme runs through the school and helps children to understand the importance of responsibility, the value of rules and how to work together to get on and live life to the full.

British Value

The Rule of Law

An appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their well-being and safety.

Example of Implementation

  • Our positive relationships and behaviour policy sets high expectations for pupil conduct; our therapeutic approach to behaviour creates a positive culture founded on respectful and positive interactions across the community. Children discuss what positive behaviour looks like and create class rules to reflect their ideas and our school values. Expected behaviours are modelled by everyone in the community- children and adults

  • Children are regularly engaged in discussions and projects about overall well-being and safety including mental health as well as physical safety. Displays around the school reinforce the importance of rules to keep children safe.

  • Drama workshops teach children how to keep safe e.g. Road Safety Road Show

  • Community Police Officers (CPO’s) teach children about internet safety including awareness about social media

  • PSHE Programme – Live Life to the Full. This teaches children how to stay safe and manage risk.

British Value

Individual Liberty

An understanding that children have the right to meet together and to join groups, as long as others’ rights are not compromised.

Example of Implementation

  • Our Mission Statement ‘Live Life to the Full’ encourages children to follow interests, make choices and express their gifts and talents (sports, music, art etc.)

  • Anti-bullying Weeks and school assemblies help to raise awareness of the signs of bullying and give children the confidence to speak out and the tools to manage any incidents of bullying.

  • Safeguarding policies and training- raise awareness on a regular basis amongst school staff ensuring children are protected and are kept safe.

  • Oscar Romero Award (2019)- Our school is working to achieve this catholic award based on demonstrating a commitment to promoting a whole school culture based on respect, equality and dignity.

British Value

Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

An understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faith and beliefs is protected by law. An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.

Example of Implementation

  • Our catholic school values based on the teaching of the Gospel is founded on respect, tolerance and acceptance. These values permeate through the whole community and are celebrated during daily worships, assemblies and in our daily mission. Our RE curriculum ‘God Matters’ focuses on multi-faith and teaches appreciation and understanding of similarities and differences.

  • Our catholic based PSHE curriculum (Live Life to the Full) also teaches understanding of multi-faith.

  • We have multi-faith celebrations and events, embracing the many cultures we have at St. Finian’s school.

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